

The practice and experience of poverty alleviation in Ethnic Minority Areas ——Taking the example of Tianjin and other supporting-Xinjiang units carrying out poverty alleviation work in the Hetan region
摘要 我国少数民族地区多数是贫困较为严重的地区。实现少数民族地区脱贫是脱贫攻坚工作的一项重要内容,也是全面建成小康社会的要求。新疆自治区南疆地区作为少数民族聚居区,贫困发生率高、致贫原因复杂、贫困程度深,是新疆乃至全国脱贫工作的重点。新疆和田地区和各援疆单位在近年的脱贫攻坚工作中结合少数民族地方实际,创新扶贫脱贫办法,融合易地搬迁扶贫、劳务输出扶贫、产业扶贫、教育及人才扶贫等多种途径,密切维、汉等多民族关系,既维护了社会稳定又激发了维族脱贫内生性,提高少数民族地区脱贫的稳定性和持续性,在新时期的脱贫工作中取得了明显成绩,可为其他民族地区提供借鉴。 Most of the minority areas in China are poor areas. Poverty alleviation in minority areas is an important part of tackling poverty,and also arequirement for buildinga well-off society in an all-round way. As an area of ethnic minorities,the Southern region of Xinjiang has high incidence of poverty,complex causes of poverty and deep poverty,being the focus of poverty relief work in Xinjiang and even the whole country. In recent years,Xinjiang Hetian and supporting-Xinjiang units have combined with the local practice of minority nationalities to innovate the methods of poverty alleviation,integrated easy-relocation poverty alleviation,labor-export poverty alleviation,industrial poverty alleviation,education and talents poverty alleviation,and closed relationships betw een the Uygur ethnic group and the Han people,not only maintaining social stability and stimulating the inner nature of the Uygur people to take off poverty,but also improving the stability and durability of poverty relief in ethnic minority areas. Obvious achievements have been made in the new era,providing reference for other ethnic areas and worthing popularizing,learning and applying for other ethnic areas.
出处 《全球化》 2018年第7期87-96,共10页 Globalization
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