

Study on Optimization and Quality Control of Self-brewing Process of Cabernet Sauvignon Dry Red Wine
摘要 为明确自酿葡萄酒甲醇含量是否超标,降低甲醇含量和酸度,提高出酒率和单宁含量,为赤霞珠干红自酿葡萄酒质量安全控制提供理论依据,研究以赤霞珠葡萄为试验材料,以普通家庭自酿葡萄酒工艺为对照,采用浸渍发酵法对自酿工艺进行探究,同时采用比色法、滴定法和比重法对焦亚硫酸钠、酵母、果胶酶以及清洗、分级筛选工艺影响下的自酿葡萄酒质量安全和品质进行评价。结果表明,赤霞珠葡萄酒经清洗、分级筛选和酿造过程中加入焦亚硫酸钠、酵母和果胶酶工艺(处理4)的质量安全性和品质最好,即处理4为最佳酿造工艺;自酿葡萄酒甲醇含量不超标(<400 mg/L),但部分工艺接近国家标准的上限,多饮存在安全隐患;焦亚硫酸钠和酵母对降低甲醇含量、酸度、糖度和缩短发酵时间具有重要作用;果胶酶对提高单宁含量和出酒率具有重要作用。说明通过工艺优化可有效控制赤霞珠干红自酿葡萄酒质量安全和品质,且处理4自酿工艺具有良好的推广应用潜力。 To determine whether the methanol content of the brewed wine exceeds the standard, reduce the methanol content and acidity, increase the liquor yield and tannin content of Cabernet Sauvignon, and to provide theoretical basis for the quality control of Cabernet Sauvignon, the brewing process of cabernet sauvignon were studied by dipping method and the quality, effected by sodium metabisulfite, yeast and pectinase, were studied by the methods of colorimetry, titration and specific gravity. The results showed that the best brewing process was treatment four. The procession of cleaning, graded screening and adding sodium metabisulfite, yeast and pectinase could significantly improve the quality and safety of Cabernet Sauvignon. Although, the methanol content was lower than China standard(〈400 mg/L), but part of the process was close to the limitation of standard. There were hidden dangers in drinking too much.In addition, sodium metabisulfite and yeast also played important roles in reducing methanol content, acidity, sugar content and the fermentation time. Pectinase could improve the tannin content and liquor yield rate. So, the quality and safety of Cabernet Sauvignon can be controlled by process optimization. Self-brewing process of treatment 4 has good potential for promotion and application.
作者 张立新 高振峰 张新宪 白宇皓 杜静婷 张薇 ZHANG Lixin;GAO Zhenfeng;ZHANG Xinxian;BAI Yuhao;DU Jingting;ZHANG Wei(Institute of Farming Product Storage and Fresh Keeping,Shanxi Academy of Agricutural Sciences,Taiyuan 030031,China)
出处 《山西农业科学》 2018年第9期1545-1549,共5页 Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences
基金 横向农业项目(BXSH2017-01) 山西省重点研发计划项目(201603D221029-1) 山西省农业科学院自主创新能力提升工程项目(201722CX-16)
关键词 自酿工艺 葡萄酒 安全 品质 self-brewing process grape wine safety quality
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