
基于EEBus的区域能源信息互操作的发展和应用 被引量:1

Development and Application of Regional Energy Information Interoperability Based on EEBus
摘要 区域能源互联网是电网、可再生能源与负荷管理系统等其他能源系统紧密耦合的复杂多网流系统,随着各系统间耦合和互动的深入,系统之间对信息的深入理解和互操作是区域能源互联网需要解决的首要问题。文章梳理了EEBus的标准化发展历程、数据模型、结构体系及网络处理机制,详细阐述了EEBus的智能建筑互操作中性消息交换(Smart Premises Interoperable Neutral-message Exchange,SPINE)和通信机制,最后基于EEBus设计了区域能源互联网的信息交互架构,并给出该标准应用于区域能源互联网的综合能源服务系统中的解决方案及应用场景,从而支撑能源管理系统与设备间的数据共享,提升了能源系统中多主体间的互操作性。 The regional energy interconnection is a complex multi network flow system which is closely coupled to the power grid, renewable energy and load management system. With the deepening of the coupling and interaction among the systems, the deep understanding and interoperation of information among the systems is the first problem to be solved in the regional energy interconnection. This paper reviews the standardization development process, data model, structure system and network processing mechanism of EEBus, expounds the EEbus interoperable neutral message exchange(Smart Premises Interoperable Neutral-message Exchange, SPINE) and the communication mechanism in detail. Finally, the information interaction architecture of regional energy interconnection is designed based on EEBus, and the solution and application scene of the standard in the integrated energy service system of regional energy interconnection are given, which supports the data sharing between the energy management system and the equipment, and improves the interoperability among the multi-agent in the energy source system.
作者 孙毅 王欣 祁兵 李彬 石坤 李德智 杨斌 SUN Yi;WANG Xin;QI Bing;LI Bin;SHI Kun;LI De-zhi;YANG Bin(School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,North China Electric Power University,Beijing 102206,China;China Electric Power Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100192,China;State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing 210024,China)
出处 《电力信息与通信技术》 2018年第8期8-16,共9页 Electric Power Information and Communication Technology
基金 国家重点研发计划项目资助(2016YFB0901100) 国家电网公司总部科技项目资助"多场景下需求响应资源大规模互动与柔性调控技术研究"(SGJS0000YXJS1700314)
关键词 区域能源互联网 互操作 EEBus regional energy interconnection interoperability EEBus
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