
多学科团队协助模式在安宁疗护中的应用 被引量:24

Application of multidisciplinary team assistance mode in hospice care
摘要 目的探讨基于JCI标准对安宁疗护的要求的多学科团队协作模式在安宁疗护中的作用效果。方法 2016年11月至2017年11月本院成立安宁疗护病房和安宁疗护团队,建立系统、完整的安宁疗护工作流程,制定并落实晚期恶性肿瘤患者评估、临终关怀制度,运用多学科团队协作模式对临终患者进行高品质照护,内容涵盖症状控制、舒适照护、营养康复、心理支持和人文关怀。结果通过对37例临终患者实施安宁疗护,减轻了患者的痛苦,增加了舒适度,降低了并发症的发生,为患者与家属舒缓心理压力,使其平静地面对死亡。结论在实施安宁疗护的同时,通过持续评估、效果评价与教育手段向患者与家属灌输安宁疗护的理念与知识,并逐步普及更多的人群,可以最大限度地保证患者的安全。 Objective To explore the effect of multidisciplinary team assistance mode based on JCI standard on hospice care.Methods To delivered high-quality care for terminally ill patients by multidisciplinary team assistance mode from November 2016 to November 2017, which covering symptom control, comfort care, nutritional rehabilitation, psychological support and humanistic care, our hospital established the hospice care ward and the hospice care team under a complete and systematic work flow, and formulated and implemented a hospice care and assessment system for patients with advanced malignant tumors.Results The implementation of hospice care in the 37 dying patients had relieved the pain suffering, increased comfort, reduced complication occurrence of the patients, and eased the psychological pressure for the patients and their families which had prepared the patients to face death more peaceful.Conclusion While implementing the hospice care, the introduction of the idea of hospice care to the patients and their families through continuous assessment, effect evaluation and education and gradually popularized, could maximize the safety of patients.
作者 戴月琴 林丽芳 徐海君 DAI Yue-qin;LIN Li-fang;XU Hai-jun
出处 《护理实践与研究》 2018年第17期108-110,共3页 Nursing Practice and Research
基金 常熟市科协软科学研究课题(常科协2017)
关键词 多学科团队协作 JCI标准 安宁疗护 Multidisciplinary team assistance JCI standard Hospice care
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