目的 :探讨针对性护理在预防化脓性阑尾炎术后切口感染中的作用。方法 :收集2016年2月至2017年2月收治的化脓性阑尾炎患者46例,随机分为观察组和对照组各23例,对照组患者围术期接受常规护理干预,观察组患者在此基础上接受针对性护理,观察两组患者术后恢复情况、切口愈合和感染情况以及护理满意度。结果 :观察组切口愈合时间及住院时间分别为(2.31±0.47)d和(5.15±1.02)d,对照组分别为(3.20±0.88)d和(6.83±1.24)d,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。观察组一期愈合率为91.30%(21/23),高于对照组的65.22%(15/23, P<0.05),切口感染发生率为8.70%(2/23),低于对照组的34.78%(8/23,P <0.05)。观察组护理总满意度为91.30%(21/23),高于对照组的43.48%(10/23,P <0.05)。结论 :针对性护理有助于促进化脓性阑尾炎术后切口愈合,降低切口感染风险,提高护理满意度,值得临床推荐。
ABSTRACY Objective: To explore the role of targeted nursing in preventing incision infection after suppurative appendicitis. Methods: A total of 46 patients with suppurative appendicitis admitted from February 2016 to February 2017 were collected and randomly divided into an observation group and a control group of 23 patients each. The control group received routine nursing intervention during the perioperative period. The patients in the observation group received targeted nursing on this basis. The postoperative recovery, wound healing and infection status, and nursing satisfaction were observed in the two groups. Results: The healing time and hospitalization time of the observation group were (2.31±0.47) d and (5.15±1.02) d, respectively, those of the control group was (3.20±0.88) d and (6.83±1.24) d, respectively and the diference was statistically signifcant(P〈0.05). The frst-stage healing rate of the observation group was 91.30%(21/23), which was higher than that of the control group[65.22%(15/23) , P〈0.05]. The incidence of wound infection of the observation group was 8.70%(2/23), which was lower than that of the control group[34.78%(8/23, P〈0.05)]. The total satisfaction of the observation group was 91.30%(21/23), which was higher than that of the control group[43.48%(10/23, P〈0.05)]. Conclusion: Targeted nursing can promote the healing of incision after suppurative appendicitis, reduce the risk of infection in the incision, and improve the satisfaction of nursing, which is worthy of clinical recommendation.KEY WORDS suppurative appendicitis; targeted nursing; incision healing; incision infection
SUN Meirong(First General Surgical Department of People's Hospital of Fengcheng,Jiangxi 331100,China)
Shanghai Medical & Pharmaceutical Journal
suppurative appendicitis
targeted nursing
incision healing
incision infection