
如何提高公立医院青年参与团委活动的积极性 被引量:4

How to improve the enthusiasm of the youth to participate in the Communist Youth League activities in public hospitals
摘要 目的综合分析公立医院团委工作的现状和面临的新问题,并有针对性提升团员青年参与团委活动的积极性。方法笔者于2017年2月13~28日在中国医学科学院阜外医院(以下简称"我院")针对团委工作情况开展了为期2周的专项调查。通过一个电子问卷调查平台向院内<35岁青年随机发放了220份问卷,同时邀请了5名兄弟医院团组织负责人和作者所在医院20名团干部进行了焦点访谈,使用EXCEL对所回收的215份有效问卷进行统计分析,并结合焦点访谈情况,综合分析公立医院团委工作现状与存在的问题。结果在215位有效问卷填写者中,仅91人熟悉本单位的团委组织体系,52.56%的青年表示参加过团委活动,未参加活动者中有79.07%的青年表示因时间不允许导致未能参加团委活动。针对希望团委开展的活动,85.58%的调查对象选择了丰富业余生活的活动,尤其对户外郊游感兴趣(80.00%),其次为志愿活动(54.88%)、文体活动(53.95%)。焦点访谈结果显示,除团委书记外只有3名管理部门的团干部对所在医院的整体团组织体系较熟悉,25名团干部均表示团委活动时间的选择和精力有限是开展青年工作的最大障碍,并建议多开展青年喜闻乐见的文娱活动。结论基于此次调研分析,我院团委通过打造宣传平台、实施奖惩措施、贴近青年需求、创新活动方式、分类开展活动等措施提高了公立医院青年参与团委活动的积极性,为新形势下加强团委工作提供了一些新思路。 Objective To analyze the current status and problems of Communist Youth League (CYL) work in public hospitals comprehensively, and arousing the youth's enthusiasm to participate in the committee activities targeted. Methods The survey was conducted to investigate CYL work in Fuwai Hospital Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences ("our hospital" for short) from February 13th to 28th in 2017. A total of 220 questionnaires were distributed to young employees 〈35-year-old in the hospital through an electronic survey platform, 5 leaders of CYL among brother hospi- tals and 20 leaders of CYL department in Fuwai Hospital were invited to conduct a focused interview. Statistical analy- sis was conducted on the 215 effective questionnaires by EXCEL, and a comprehensive analysis of the current status and existed problems about the CYL in public hospitals were conducted by combining the results of focused interview. Results Among 215 effective respondents of the questionnaire survey, only 91 people were aware of the framework of CYL work; 52.56% of the respondents had never participated in any committee activities, 79.07% of them were due to time arrangement. In terms of suggestions for CYL activities, activities that can enrich the youth's spare time life were highly anticipated by 85.58% of the respondents, especially outdoor activities (80.00%), followed by voluntary activites (54.88%), and recreational and sports activities (53.95%). The results of focused interview showed that, besides the Secretaries of CYL, there were only 3 leaders of CYL from the management departments were acquainted with the orga- nizational structure of CYL in their hospitals, and all the 25 leaders of CYL responded that the time arrangements and the limited energy were the biggest obstacle for committee activities, and they also recommended to organize thoserecreational activities that were popular in the youth. Conclusion On the basis of the survey, our hospitalCYL has made significant efforts to motivate the youth to participate in the committee activities, including building publicity platform, implementing rewarding and punishing measurements, satisfying the needs of the youth, innovating the way of activities, as well as classified activities, which contributes new ideas for the work of CYL in the new era.
作者 李琴 姚锦 林芳芳 李玉丹 李睿 LI Qin;YAO Jin;LIN Fanjang;LI Yudan;LI Rui(Party Committee Office,Fuwai Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Beijing 100037,China;Career Development Division,Fuwai Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Beijing 100037,China;Medical Service Department,Fuwai Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Beijing 100037,China;Disciplinary Inspection Service,Fuwai Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Beijing 100037,China)
出处 《中国医药导报》 CAS 2018年第26期176-180,共5页 China Medical Herald
关键词 团委工作 青年工作 积极性 现状 新思路 公立医院 Work of Communist Youth League Youth work Enthusiasm Status New ideas Public hospitals
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