

The Operation Process and Optimization Path of Local The Operation Process and Optimization Path of Local Government Implementing Venture Philanthropy from the Perspective of Project System——Based on the Practice of Hubei Province
摘要 公益创投是项目制背景下政府购买公共服务的一种创新形式,对于提高公共服务效率和提升社会治理效能具有重要作用。湖北省社区公益创投大赛以项目为中心,通过项目申报、项目实施、项目督导和项目评估等运行流程,带动了社会组织投身社区治理和服务。公益创投在带来一系列良好社会影响的同时,在不同的项目阶段也相应存在着缺乏项目资金保障、专业化服务水平不足、评估缺乏专业性和科学性等问题,可从完善资金支持体系、加强专业服务能力建设、完善评估方法和评估指标等方面进行优化。 Venture philanthropy is an innovative form of government purchasing public services in the context of project system, which plays an important role in improving the efficiency of public services and governance. The Community Venture Philanthropy Competition of Hubei Province focuses on the project, with the operation procedures such as project declaration, project imp have been involved in community social impacts, there are also prob level, lack of professionalism and ementation, project supervision and project evaluation, the social organizations governance and services. While venture philanthropy brings a series of good eros such as lack of project funding guarantee, insufficient professional service scientific evaluation in different project stages. It can be optimized from improving the financial support system, optimizing the construction of professional service capabilities, and improving assessment methods and indicators.
作者 廖甜 LIAO Tian(School of Public Administration,Zhongnan University of Economics and Law,Wuhan430073,China)
出处 《武汉职业技术学院学报》 2018年第5期115-120,共6页 Journal of Wuhan Polytechnic
基金 2017年中南财经政法大学研究生教育创新计划"政府实施公益创投的运作流程与优化路径--以湖北省社区公益创投大赛为例"(项目编号:201711246)
关键词 项目制 政府购买服务 公益创投 社会组织 Project system government purchase service venture philanthropy social organization
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