
民办医学院校培养健康服务人才的探讨——以郑州澍青医学高等专科学校为例 被引量:1

Discussion on How the Private Medical Colleges Cultivate the Talents in Health Service——Taking the Example of Zhengzhou Shuqing Medical College
摘要 民办医学院校应结合国家大力发展健康服务业的趋势,加快转型,以"健康中国"为办学使命,由服务医疗提升为服务健康,立足医疗和健康服务行业,实现人才培养与社会健康服务需求对接、专业设置与地方健康服务岗位对接、人才培养规格与健康服务行业技能对接,在医学技术领域、特色教育领域与公办医学院校形成错位发展的局面,肩负起为社会培养更多健康产业转型发展的高层次高素质的技术技能型人才的重任,着力打造学校健康服务特色教育品牌。开设健康服务专业的重点是:要坚持立德树人的指导思想;加强市场调研,选准特色定位,培养适用的健康服务人才;把握教育标准,提炼核心知识,保证健康服务教育质量;开展社会实践,提高学生的健康服务素质。 In combination with the trend of developing rapidly health service industry in China, private medical colleges should quicken its pace in transformation and take the ideal of “healthy China” as its mission in running school. When improving its medical service into health service, and based on both medical and healthy service industry ,private medical colleges should cultivate talents to meet the demand of social health service,set up professional courses to meet the need of jobs for local health service,and cultivate talents with specifications in accordance with the skills needed for health service industry. Thus in the sphere of medical technology and education with special features,private medical college may develop itself in a unique way that is different from public medical college. Private medical colleges should shoulder the great task of cultivating for the society more talents with techniques and skills,and with high level and high quality in the transformation development of health industry while at the same time forging the school brand of featured education for health service. In order to set up the profession for health service, it is necessary to emphasize these following aspects. Insist on the guidance idea of strengthening moral education in talents cultivation ; strengthen market investigation and select exactly the orientation with features so as to cultivate applicable talents for health service; master the standards for education and extract the core knowledge in order to ensure the quality of health service education ; and develop the social practice to improve the quality of students in health service.
作者 左铁光 Zuo Tieguang(Zhengzhou Shuqing Medical College,Zhengzhou Henan 45006)
出处 《黄河科技大学学报》 2018年第6期8-12,共5页 Journal of Huanghe S&T University
关键词 民办医学院校 培养 健康服务人才 private medical college cultivation health service talent
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