目的:观察桂枝汤加减治疗围绝经期综合征患者的临床疗效及其作用机制。方法:将60例围绝经期综合征患者随机分为对照组和治疗组,每组各30例。对照组给予戊酸雌二醇片口服,治疗组给予桂枝汤加减口服。比较两组患者的临床疗效,检测两组患者治疗前后血清雌二醇(estradiol,E2)、促卵泡生成素(follicle-stimulating hormone,FSH)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(tumor necrosis factor-α,TNF-α)及白细胞介素-10(interleukin-10,IL-10)水平。结果:治疗组有效率为93. 3%,对照组有效率为73. 3%,两组患者临床疗效比较,差异具有统计学意义(P <0. 05)。两组患者治疗后FSH水平明显低于治疗前,E2水平高于治疗前,差异具有统计学意义(P <0. 05),但两组治疗后比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0. 05)。两组患者治疗后血清TNF-α含量均明显低于治疗前,IL-10含量高于治疗前,差异具有统计学意义(P <0. 05),但两组治疗后比较,差异无统计学意义(P> 0. 05)。结论:桂枝汤加减治疗围绝经期综合征疗效确切,同时也能够有效提高患者雌激素水平,改善患者的临床症状,其机制可能与纠正细胞因子失衡有关。
Objective: To explore the therapeutic effect of Guizhi Decoction in treating patients with Menopausal Syndrome(PMS)and the mechanism. Methods: 60 cases of patients with endometrial syndrome provided by our hospitals clinic service from May2016 to May 2017 were analyzed retrospectively,According to different ways of medication were randomly divided into two groups(n = 30) : The treatment group received oral Guizhi Decoction and the control group received oral estradiol valerate tablets according to conventional therapy achedules. 3 months for a course of treatment. Comparison of the two groups total effective rate of clinical symptoms improvent,estrogen changes and serum TNF-α and IL-10 level. Adverse reaction was observed during treatment in both groups,liver and kidney function was tested in two groups before treatment and 4 months after treatment. Results: After treatment total effective rate of clinical symptoms improvent was 93. 3% in the treatment group and 73. 3% in the control group,The difference was statistically significant(P〈0. 05),The treatment group was better than the control group; The levels of serum estradiol(E2) was higher than before treatment and follicle-stimulating hormone(FSH) was lower than before treatment in the two groups,the difference was statistically significant,(P〈0. 05),but there was no statistically significant between two groups(P〈0. 05). The level of serum TNF-αwas significantly lower than before treatment(P〈0. 05),and the level of serum IL-10 was significant higher than before treatment in the two groups(P〈0. 05),but there was no statistically significant between two groups(P〈0. 05). There was no obvious adverse reaction was observed during treatment in two groups and there was no abnormality of liver and kindey functions after 4 months treatment. Conclusion: Application of Guizhi Decoction in the treatment of patients with menopausal Syndrome is safe and effective,also it can effectively increase E2 levels,worthy of clinical promotion. The mechanism of above-mentioned phenomena might be related with correcting TNF-α and IL-10 cytokines balance.
TANG Jun-wei;LIU Qin;MA Yi-dan(Nanchong Central Hospital,The Second Clinical Medical College of North Sichuan Medical College,Nanchong,Jiangsu,China,63700)
Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
Menopausal Syndrome
Guizhi Decoetion
Estradiol valerate
Treatise on Cold Damage and Miscellaneous Diseases
ZHANG Zhong-jing