
正交试验法优化刺梨黄酮提取工艺研究 被引量:12

Study on the Extractive Technique of Flavonoids fromRosa roxburghii Tratt
摘要 采用正交试验法对刺梨黄酮提取工艺进行优化,以芦丁为对照,采用分光光度法进行黄酮测定,以黄酮提取得率为考核指标,探讨提取溶剂、乙醇浓度、超声时间、料液比、超声功率等因素对刺梨黄酮提取得率的影响,在单因素试验的基础上,采用L9(34)正交表进行四因素三水平的优化试验,结果表明,最优提取工艺参数为乙醇浓度75%、超声时间40min、料液比1∶30(g/mL)、提取功率200W;在此最优组合参数下,刺梨黄酮提取得率为0.57%. The optimum technology for ultrasonic assisted extraction of flavonoids from Rosa rox burg hii Tratt was investigated in this study.The orthogonal test was conducted to evaluate the effects of four factors including the ethanol concentration, ultrasonic power, material/solvent ratio and extrac tion time on the extraction yield of flavonoids.The results showed that the extraction time and ultra sonic power had significant effects on the yield of flavonoids. The parameter of the extraction process were optimized to be ethanol concentration 75%, extraction time 40 rain, material/solvent ratio 1 : 30, ultrasonic power 200 W. The extraction yield of flavonoids from Rosa roxburghii Tratt reached at 0.57% under the optimized conditions.
作者 李志 LI Zhi(Liupanshui Mountain fcaturcd Ecological Product Ncscarch Centcr,Liupanshui 553000,China;The key National Laboratory in Fruit and Vegetable Detection of Guiyang Customs Inspection and Quarantinc Technology Ccntcr(Liu Pan Shui),Liupanshui 553000,China)
出处 《云南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2018年第6期40-45,共6页 Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Natural Sciences Edition
基金 海关总署科研计划资助项目(2018IK053)
关键词 刺梨 黄酮 正交试验 工艺优化 Rosa roxburghii Tratt Flavonoids Orthogonal design Process optimization
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