高校专职政治辅导员是高校专门从事学生思想政治教育和日常管理工作的专职教师兼管理干部 ,但长期以来“队伍不稳定”、“地位不高”、“工作职责不明确”、“专业性不强”等问题一直困扰着这支队伍的建设 ,也严重影响了学生的培养质量。本文通过对问题的分析 ,得出只有走“职业化”道路才是辅导员队伍建设发展方向的结论。
The political instructors in colleges and universities are full-time teachers and administrators specializing in the students' training of moral principles and their daily management. But for a long time, the construction of the group has been affected by many factors such as the unstable personnel, low position, unclear duty and lacking in specialization. As a result, the training quality of the students has been affected too. By analyzing various problems, the author comes to a conclusion that the developmental direction of the political instructor is to specialize the group.
Heilongjiang Researches on Higher Education