
Whitt点目标极化定标算法的实验研究 被引量:4

Experiment on Whitt's Polarimetric SAR Calibration Algorithm Using Point Targets
摘要 将 Whitt等人提出的通用的点目标极化定标算法应用到 SIR- C系统获取的 L波段多极化数据中 ,进行定标实验。利用所获取的 SIR- C合成孔径雷达图像中存在的点目标 ,将它们经过SIR- C定标组定标的极化数据作为理论值看待 ,运用 Whitt算法来定标整幅没有定标的图像。最后将实验获取的结果与 SIR- C定标组定标结果互相比较 。 The L-band polarimetric data of SIR-C system are calibrated by Whitt's polarimetric SAR calibration algorithm using point targets in this paper. The image data that are calibrated by SIR-C calibration group are considered as theoretic data and from this image three point targets are selected and used in the Whitt's algorithm to get necessary calibration parameters. Then these calibration parameters are used to calibrate the uncalibrated image data. Finally the calibration results of Whitt's algorithm are compared with the results obtained by SIR-C calibration group and its performance is verified. The two distinct advantages of the technique are that:(1)almost any three targets can be used, and (2)no assumptions are made about the magnitude of the distortion. And this technique is applicable to both laboratory and field measurements, with the known targets being chosen according to the application.
出处 《遥感技术与应用》 CSCD 2002年第4期220-223,共4页 Remote Sensing Technology and Application
关键词 Whitt 点目标极化定标算法 实验 合成孔径雷达 Polarimetry, Synthetic aperture radar(SAR), Calibration Point target
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