

Back thinking to flood protection project construction of Nanning
摘要 “2 0 0 1.7”南宁大洪水 ,给南宁市的防洪工程和工程建设提出了严峻的考验 ,由于防洪工程建设速度慢 ,水患意识淡薄 ,结果在建的防洪工程在汛期未能完工 ,没能发挥应有的防洪效益。阐述了南宁市防洪工程建设存在的隐患及施工进展情况 。 Because flood protection project construction speed of Nanning city was slower, flood suffering consciousness was week and the flood protection projects didn't be completed before flood period, they didn't give play to flood protection benefit in '2001.7.8 flood'. The existing hidden troubles and construction development condition of Nanning city were discussed and the measures were put forward on how to quicken flood protection project construction.
作者 韦贵宁
出处 《广西水利水电》 2002年第3期61-64,共4页 Guangxi Water Resources & Hydropower Engineering
关键词 南宁市 防洪工程 洪水 工程建设 flood protection project flood project construction back thinking
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