潜艇深度的测量主要基于海水压力信息 ,通过低通滤波器去掉波浪的影响 ,但降低了潜艇深度的动态测量精度。本文将测得的海水压力信息与潜艇惯导系统测得的垂向加速度信息融合 ,通过理论推导获得潜艇深度的高精度测量方法。通过对中大型潜艇的仿真分析 ,以及对测量精度的分析讨论 ,证明本方法是可行的。
The main method of measuring submarine depth is based exclusively on the measured water pressure. The effect of the surface wave noise upon the pressure signal is great as submarines near the water surface. One of the traditional methods to reduce the effect is the low pass filtering. However, filtering produces the adverse effect of attenuating and delaying changes in the true depth of a submarine in high dive mechanism. Based on information fusion, the research combines pressure signals from the pressure sensor with accelerometer signals from the inertial system to overcome this problem and to yield accurate submarine depth. The fusion is implemented as a fully digital filter. The algorithm has been tested in simulation of submarine dive control mechanism. The fully digital implementation has proven the method is feasible and may be used in submarines.
Shipbuilding of China
中国船舶工业总公司基金97J41.3.2 (2)