

Properties of Light Rare Earth Substituted DyFeCo Magneto-Optical Recording Film
摘要 制备了非晶DyFeCo磁光记录薄膜 ,测量了其磁光Kerr转角与饱和磁化强度对温度依赖关系。研究了轻稀土参杂部分取代Dy对磁光记录薄膜的Kerr转角的影响 。 The DyFeCo amorphous magneto optical recording film is prepared, and the dependence of the magneto optical rotation and the saturated magnetization on temperature of the film is measured. The effect on Kerr's rotation of partial substitution of Dy by light rare earth is also investigated. It is found that the film's Kerr rotation is effectively enhanced in a certain range of substitution.
出处 《华东船舶工业学院学报》 CAS 2002年第4期81-84,共4页 Journal of East China Shipbuilding Institute(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 轻稀土掺杂 制备 磁光记录薄膜 磁光Kerr转角 温度特性 饱和磁化强度 magneto optical recording film Kerr's ratation temperature dependence
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