博斯腾湖是新疆现存的最大湖泊 ,具有蓄洪灌溉、提供丰富的水生动植物资源 ,改善焉耆盆地及塔里木河下游生态环境和发展旅游业、促进区域经济增长等四大功能。通过对博斯腾湖及其滨湖绿洲的形成过程、全新世以来的环境演变 ,尤其是 5 0年代末以来博斯腾湖、焉耆盆地和塔里木河下游环境劣变的现象与原因的分析 。
As the largest lake in Xinjiang,the Bosteng lake have four main functions:storing floodwater and irrigating field, having plenty of aquatic plant and animal resources,improving eco enviroment of Yanji Basin and lower reaches of the Talimu River, benefiting economic growth with tourism development. On the basis of analyzing forming process, environmental evolution since Holocene Quaternary,especially enviromental deterioration in the Bosteng Lake ,Yanji Basin and lower reaches of the Talimu River since 50's, some strategies are put forward in order to improve and administer eco environment of the Bosteng Lake under the background of developing western area of China vastly.
Research of Soil and Water Conservation
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (资助号 :494610 0 9)成果的一部分