
表面功能化的介孔分子筛SBA-3的表征 被引量:13

Characterization of Surface Functionalised Mesoporous Molecular Sieve SBA-3
摘要 采用γ 氨丙基三乙氧基硅烷 (AM) ,通过表面硅烷化反应 ,对脱模板后的纯硅六方介孔分子筛SBA 3进行了表面功能化 ,并通过XRD ,TEM ,低温N2 吸附 ,FTIR和吸附染料分子的UV vis漫反射光谱等对功能化样品的结构、孔性质和表面极性等进行了详细表征 .结果表明 ,功能分子锚接后 ,样品的六方结构基本保持 .样品的表面硅羟基由于被消耗而明显减少 ,导致表面极性降低 .另外 ,由于功能分子占据了部分孔道空间 ,样品的孔容、表面积和孔径下降 . The functionalised. mesoporous molecular sieves were prepared by using 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (AM) to react with calcined pure siliceous SBA-3. By means of XRD, TEM, N-2 adsorption-desorption isotherms, FT-IR and UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy of adsorbed Relchardt's dye, the structure, the pore properties and the polarity on surface of the functionalised samples were characterized. It is shown that the hexagonal structural character is mostly retained after the functionalization. The population of silanol groups on the surface greatly decreases due to being consumed in the reaction with organosilane, resulting in a reduction in surface polarity. In addition, the pore volumes, surface areas and pore diameters of the functionalised. samples decrease since the space within channels are partially occupied by the functional molecules.
作者 贾雪平 杨春
出处 《化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第9期1596-1600,共5页 Acta Chimica Sinica
基金 江苏省教育厅自然科学基金 (No .2 0 0 0HXX0 0 0 0SJ3) 教育部高等学校国家重点实验室访问学者基金资助项目
关键词 SBA-3 介孔分子筛 纯硅六方介孔分子筛 表面功能化 表征 催化剂 孔径 表面积 mesoporous molecular sieve SBA-3 surface functionalization characterization
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