介绍了舞蹈机器人步进电机驱动电路和程序设计。电路采用 74 373锁存 ,74 LS2 4 4和 ULN2 0 0 3作电压和电流驱动 ,单片机 AT89C5 2作工作脉冲序列信号发生器。程序设计基于中断服务和总线分时复用方式 ,实时更新各个电机的速度和方向。
The paper introduces the stepper motor controller and the program design for dancing robot. It adopts 74373 as the latch unit, 74LS244 and ULN2003 as the current and voltage amplifier in the circuit. The program design is based on bus time sharing and interrupt servicing. It can renew the speeds and the directions of every motor at real time.
Electronic Engineer