本文利用海南岛 1992~ 2 0 0 1年酸雨观测资料分析研究了海南酸雨的状况和来源。结果表明 ,海南岛一年四季都有酸雨出现 ,年平均约占降水总量的 2 0~ 30 %。岛北酸雨的酸性程度比岛南强 冬半年比夏半年强。产生酸雨的酸性物质主要来源于华南沿海地区 。
In this article we analyse the acid rain from 1992 to 2001 in Hainan Island The acid rain is discovered all the year around Hainan Island The total of acid rainfall is about 20~30% of the annual rainfall, and the acidity of the northern island is stronger than the southern counterpart,the winter half year is stronger than the summer one The acid substance mainly comes from the coastal South China, but the acid substance sources in the Island must be paid enough attention
Guangdong Meteorology