
从“中体西用”到改革开放——中国现代化历程的回顾与思考 被引量:2

From the Proposal of "Chinese Learning as the Fundamental Structure and Western Learning for Practical use" to the Time of Reformation——A Review and Retrospect of the Course of Chinese Modernization
摘要 自十九世纪中叶起,探索救国与强国之路,是摆在中国人面前的一个重大课题。本文从思想认识演化的角度,纵线条观察分析了从现代洋务运动到今天改革开放,中国人对现代化的认识过程,以期得到一些有益的历史借鉴和思想启迪。 From the middle of 19th century, the efforts of seeking for the ways of strengthening the country had been of great importance for Chinese people. This paper analyses the course of development of the ideological realization of the country's modernization from the Westernization Movement at the latter half of 19th century to the present time of reformation. The emphasis of the examination is the evolution of ideological understanding of the issue of the country's modernization.
作者 邵服民
出处 《燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2002年第3期82-86,共5页 Journal of Yanshan University:Philosophy and Social Science
关键词 现代化 中体西用 改革开放 modernization the proposal of 'Chinese learning as the fundamental structure and western learning for practical use' the practice of reformation and opening to the outside world
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