目的探讨纯净水经饮水机的卫生安全饮用时间 ,研究其卫生质量与饮水机构造的关系。方法选择市售饮水机30台 ,按型号构造分成3组 ,在实验室模拟跟踪观察不同构造饮水机出口水的微生物指标随时间延长而变化的情况。结果普通型的饮水机常温出口水卫生安全饮用时间≤4d ,抑菌型的饮水机常温出口水卫生安全饮用时间≤14d。经饮水机的纯净水其卫生质量与饮水机的品牌无关 ,与饮水机的型号构造有关。结论抑菌型饮水机常温出口水的实验结果好于普通型 。
Objective To study the safe drinking duration of purified drinking water of water dispensers, the relationship between the sanitary quality of purified drinking water and the structure of the water dispensers. Methods 30 drinking water dispensers were collected from the market and divided into 3 groups based on the structural types. A following-up experimental observation for the changes of the microbiological indexes of the water samples from the taps of water dispensers with different structures during the different prolongating operating period was carried out. Results The safe drinking duration was ≤ 4 days for the purified drinking water sampled from the taps of the water dispensers with common type at the normal atmospheric temperature and ≤ 14 day for water dispensers with bacterial inhibition type. The sanitary quality of the purified drinking water sampled from the taps of water dispensers was associated with the structural type of water dispensers, but not the brands of water dispensers. Conclusion The experimental results of the water samples collected from the taps of water dispensers with bacterial inbibition type at normal atmospheric temperature was better in quality than those of common type. The water dispensers with bacterial inhibition type provided with hygienic licence should be better recommended to choice.
Journal of Environment and Health