

Study of Multimedia Based on Network Transmission
摘要 随着Internet的迅猛发展,人们已经不满足在网络上传输简单的文本信息,更加丰富的多媒体信息,特别是连续的媒体内容已经开始在互联网上普及。该文介绍了面向网络传输的视频编解码的各种传统方案,并对可扩展性编码方案进行了分析,最后研究了流媒体的流式传输技术。 As the rapid progress of Internet, people are not satisfied with transporting simple texts or picture information through Internet. More and more complex multimedia information especially the Audio/Video sequences, becomes popular over Internet. In this paper, tra- ditional multimedia transport methods are introduced and transport-based video coding methods are discussed firstly. Finally, studied stream medium fluidization technology principle and stream style transmission principle.
作者 唐奋飞
出处 《电脑知识与技术(过刊)》 2009年第2X期1209-1210,共2页 Computer Knowledge and Technology
关键词 多媒体 面向传输 流媒体 multimedia transport-based streaming media
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