
基于HEVC视频标准的熵编码过程 被引量:4

Research Based-on HEVC Video Encoder Process
摘要 HEVC(High Efficiency Video Coding)作为最新一代国际视频编解码标准,主要针对高清或超高清视频的编解码,在保证视频图像质量的前提下,可以实现将视频码率再次压缩一半。文章分析了HEVC标准中采用的一些关键技术:灵活的编码结构、大尺寸变换单元结构、改进的去方块滤波技术以及HEVC的并行性处理,然后对HEVC标准的码流结构以及编码单元的熵编码过程做了重点分析。最后,简要地对即将进行的硬件设计工作提出了一些方法。 As the latest video codec standard,HEVC could achieve 50% bitrates decreasing,mainly for high definition and ultrahigh definition video codecs,under the premise of ensuring video quality.In the paper,several novel technologies,including Flexible Coding Structure,Large-size Transform Unit Structure,Improved Deblocking Filter,and Parallel Design Theme are analysed,then,the paper focuses a further research on bit-stream structure and coding process.Finally,some techniques are proposed for the future hardware design.
出处 《电脑知识与技术(过刊)》 2013年第5X期3356-3359,3365,共5页 Computer Knowledge and Technology
关键词 HEVC 四叉树结构 变换结构 熵编码过程 HEVC quadtree structure transform structure entropy coding process
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