pWM逆变器在应用中会产生共模电压, 共模电压在IGBT的高速开关期间产生充放电电流。此电流通过电机内部的寄生电容产生流入地线的漏电流。漏电流过大将对电源产生电磁干扰,还会使电机轴承过早毁坏,从而影响系统运行的可靠性。文中提出了一种新颖的可以有效消除脉冲宽度调制(PWM)逆变器产生的共模电压的有源滤波器。这个有源滤波器由一个单相逆变器和一个五绕组共模变压器组成,可以产生与PWM逆变器输出的电压幅值相等,相位相反的共模电压,通过五绕组共模变压器叠加到逆变器输出中,从而有效消除感应电机端的共模电压。这种有源滤波器结构简单,控制容易。文中通过理论分析,仿真和实验结果证明了这种结构的有效性。
Pulse width modulated (PWM) inverter can generate common-mode voltage, which can produce charge-discharge current at the distant of every insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) high-speed switching. This current creates ground current escaping to earth through stray capacitors inside motors. The large ground current can create electromagnetic interference, shorten the life of motor bearings and effect reliability of the whole system. This paper proposes a novel PWM inverter output active filter for common-mode voltage reduction. This active filter which consists of a single-phase inverter and a five windings common mode transformer can produce the same amplitude as, but opposite polarity to the common mode voltage generated by the PWM inverter, and superimpose this voltage to the output of the PWM inverter by the five windings common mode transformer, then common mode voltage applied to the load can be canceled effectively. This filter has a simple configuration, and is easy to be controlled. Theoretical analysis, simulation and experiment results are presented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Proceedings of the CSEE