
产业集群内中小企业间接融资特点及策略研究 被引量:105

<title>A Research on the Characteristics and Measures of Small andMediumsized Enterprises' Financing in Industrial Clusters
摘要 从意大利的中北部地区、美国的加州到中国的浙江省,中小企业产业集群的区域经济模式,表现出巨大的经济活力。产业集群的中小企业由于地理接近性和产业专业化的特性,在间接融资方面具有不同于一般单个游离中小企业的特点:增加信息对称性、减少交易成本、高收益与低风险。此外,本文论证了在银企之间重复的动态博弈中,可建立起稳定的合作关系,因而利用企业的信用,有助于银行扩展信用贷款,解决集群内中小企业信贷中担保不足的重大难题。最后,本文在总结解决中小企业融资难的常用对策后,提出三条存量优化策略:(1)加强商业银行的产业研究功能;(2)区域性试行契约型主办银行制度;(3)增加信用贷款的力度,进一步解决产业集群内中小企业间接融资难的问题。 <Abstrcat>From Central and Northern Italy,California in America to Zhejiang Province in China,the regional economic mode of small and mediumsized enterprises in industrial clusters shows greatly dynamics.Based on geographical proximity and specialization,they have different characteristics of indirect financing from those usual small and mediumsized enterprises outside the industrial clusters,with increased information symmetry,reduced transaction cost,high return and low risk.What's more,it is demonstrated in the paper that in the repeated dynamic game between banks and enterprises,a kind of cooperation beteen them can be established on the basis of 'credit and cooperation',which enables banks to enhance credit loan to solve the important problem of inadequate guarantee of small and mediumsized enterprises in their loans,by taking advantage of the trust of enterprises.In the end,after summarizing some common measures to solve the difficult problem for small and mediumsized enterprises in financing,the author proposes three tactics of optimizing stock:1)to strengthen the banks' function of research on industry;2)to try out contract type auspice banking system in industrial cluster;3)to enhance credit loan in clusters to solve the financing problems of small and mediumsized enterprises.
出处 《财经研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第9期53-60,共8页 Journal of Finance and Economics
基金 .NULL.
关键词 产业集群 中小企业 间接融资 逆向选择 道德风险 交易成本 竞争优势 信用贷款 industrial cluster small and mediumsized enterprises loan financing adverse selection and moral risk transaction cost risk and return contract type auspice banking system credit loan
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