
新型3-PTT型三杆并联磨削机床 被引量:6

A New 3-PTT Three-link Parallel Grinding Machine
摘要 介绍了东北大学创新研制成功的 3_PTT型水平滑块式三杆平移自由度并联机床的机构及运动学和力学特性。该新构型并联机床适合长形工件加工 ,特性优良 ,有广阔应用前景。第一台产品已成功投产使用。 Structure, kinematics and dynamic behavior of 3-PTT parallel machine developed by Northeast University with horizontal slide 3-link movement freedom are introduced. The new structured parallel machine is suitable for machining long workpiece, has a good performance and wonderful application prospect. The prototype has been put into operation successfully.e_linkParallelGrind
机构地区 东北大学
出处 《制造技术与机床》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第10期24-25,共2页 Manufacturing Technology & Machine Tool
关键词 并联机床 机构 运动学 力学 磨床 Thripod, Mechanism, Kinematics, Dynamics
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