The article presents the treatment of 160 casesof severe facial paralysis with acupuncture and ext-ernal application of medicine.First of all herbalpowder made by the authors themselves was appliedon the affected area,then the seedling was perfor-med in the local as well as distant points with nee-dles retained for 15 to 20 minutes and far infraredlight was used to irradiate the affected area at len-gth.There are 70 eases of cure,46 of marked effe-ctiveness,43 of improvement and (?) of failure.Me-anwhile,the ear pulse wave of 38 eases was compa-red prior to and after the treatment in order to findthe differenee between the left and right sides,andit has been found that before the treatment in allthe cases the ear pulse wave of the affected sidewas lower than that of the healthy side,butafter the treatment all the cases have got the eleva-tion of the wave except one.The result reveals thatthe local blood circulation in the affected area indistinctively improved after the treatment.
Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion