
适应当前社会治安形势 稳步推进社区警务改革

Adapt to Current Public Order Situation and Steadily Promote Community Policing Reform
摘要 社区警务工作在我国已开展多年,但是当前的社区警务工作存在许多问题,未能发挥其应有的作用。社区警务工作改革必须实现“标本兼治、打防并举”的社会治安效果,以确保社会的长治久安。 It has been years since community policing was put into practice in our country, but there are many problems existing in the community policing work, which prevent it from giving its own play. Community policing work must realize the peace order effect of ' treating a disease by looking into both its root cause and symptoms, and combining strike and prevention ' so as to secure the lasting political stability.
作者 樊晓峰
出处 《公安理论与实践(上海公安高等专科学校学报)》 2002年第3期20-22,共3页 Journal of Shanghai Police College
关键词 社会治安形势 社区警务改革 中国 公安工作 Community Policing Existing Problems Strategy
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