

Preparation and hypersensitive transition for the ternary coordination compounds of lanthanide ions(Nd^(3+),Ho^(3+),Er^(3+))with salicylic acid(HSAL)and diantipyryl-methane(DAM)
摘要 用光度法研究了乙醇-水溶液中镧系离子(Nd^(3+)、Ho^(3+)、Er^(3+))与水杨酸(HSal)及二安替吡啉甲烷(DAM)三元配合物的超灵敏跃迁,测得三元配合物的组成比为Ln^(3+):HSal:DAM=1:3:1.制备了固态钕三元配合物,并用元素分析、红外和紫外光谱以及热谱进行了表征. The ternary coordination compounds of lanthanide ions(Nd^(3+),Ho^(3+), Er^(3+)) with Hsal and DAM in water-ethnolic solution were.studied by using spec.trophotometry.The component ratio of the ternary coordination compounds in solution is Ln^(3+):Hsal:DAM=1:3:1.The corresponding coordination compound of neodymium is prepared in solid state and characterized with elemental analysis,ultraviolet and infrared spectra,as well as thermogravimetry. Its.composition is Nd(C_7H_3O_5)_3.C_(23)H_(24)N_4O_2·2H2O.
出处 《陕西师大学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 1991年第4期47-49,共3页 Journal of Shaanxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 配合物 水杨酸 跃迁 neodymium coordination compound holmium coordination compound erbium coordination compound salicylic acid diantipyryl-methane hypersensitive transition
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