
牦牛血液蛋白遗传多态性及其与生长发育和毛绒品质特性关系的初步研究 被引量:6

Preliminary Studies on Genetic Polymorphism of Blood Proteins and Their Association with Growth and Hair Quality in the YaK
摘要 用非连续性缓冲系统聚丙烯酰胺垂直平板电泳法和乙酸纤维素薄膜电泳法,检测100头九龙和麦洼牦牛的血清运铁蛋白(T_f),后白蛋白(Pa)和红细胞血红蚕白(Hb)三个遗传位点的蛋白多态。发现 Hb 在麦洼牦牛中存在 FS 和 SS 两个型,九龙牦牛中则未见多态型(电泳表型均为 FS)。T_f 和 Pa 分别由等显性等位基因 T_f^A、T_f^D、T_f^E 和 Pa^A、Pa^B所决定。三个基因位点的多态型及其在两个品种间差异明显,说明在遗传上具有相对独立性。又研究43头2岁九龙牦牛 T_f 和 Pa 两个位点的不同多态型在体高、胸围、体重、含绒率、毛长、毛细、绒长和绒细八个性状上的差异性。结果初步表明,Pa 与上述经济性状均无显著关系,T_f 则与体高、胸围、体重、毛细和绒细五个性状呈显著相关P<0.05)。TEE 纯合型个体在生长发育和毛绒品质特性方面均优于其它牦牛。 The protein-polymorphism of 3 allelic genetic loci,i.e transferrin(Tf),Post-albumin (Pa)and haemoglobin(Hb)in blood samples from 50 Jiulong yaks and 50 Maiwa yaks were determined by means of discontinuous buffer slab polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and cellulose-acetate membrane electrophoresis.In addition,the relation of different genotypes or two loci(Tf and Pa)and the 8 traits(height at withers,heart girth,body wight, wool percentage,woollength,wool fineness,down length and down fineness)in 43 2-year-old Jiulong yak were investigated.The results showed:1)there were two phenotypes(Fs and SS)of Hb in Maiwa yaks,but not in Jiulong yaks(electrophoretic phenotypes were all Fs),2)Tf and Pa are dicided by codominant alleles,i.e.Tf^A, Tf^D,Tf^E,pa^Aand Pa^B,respectively.The polymorphism of 3 loci and their significant differ- ences between the Mairra and Jiulong observed in this study indected that there was a rela- tively independent character in genetics between these two breeds,3)the association of Tf were distinctly with height at withers,heart girth,body weight,wool fineness and down fineness(P<0.05),but the association of Pa were not distinctly with 8 traits mentioned above,4)it was also observed the individual with homozygyte of TfEE was better in growth and wool quality than other yaks.
出处 《西南民族学院学报(畜牧兽医版)》 1991年第3期8-19,共12页
关键词 牦牛 遗传 血液蛋白 多态性 毛绒 Yak Protein Polymorphism Electrophosis Genetic Marker Wool Quality JiuLong
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