目的 :分析门诊应用阿罗格标准化生产的点刺液变应原皮试结果。方法 :用阿罗格 30种变应原 ,加一个生理盐水阴性对照和一个组胺阳性对照 ,试验部位是前臂掌侧皮肤 ,相距 4cm ,滴 1滴变应原后垂直点刺 ,10~ 2 0min后判读试验结果。结果 :12 0例患者中 6 7例 (5 5 .8% )呈阳性 ,6 7例中 4 2例有哮喘症状。 6 7例皮肤点刺试验中粉螨阳性率最高 (89.6 % ) ,其次是室尘螨 85 .1%、豚草 4 7.8%、艾蒿 35 .8%等。结论
Objective: To analyse the results of skin test in which the standardized Allergopharma fluid was used as allergen for skin prick testing at outpatient department. Methods: Thirty kinds of Allergopharma allergens were used and normal saline was used as negative control, while histamine was used as positive control. The testing place was on the skin of palmar in forearm, with a space of 4 cm. After dropping a drop of allergen fluid on the place, pricked it vertically, and 10~20 minutes later, the testing results were analysed. Results: One hundred and twenty patients enrolled, 67 (55.8%) had positive results. Among the 67 positive patients, 42 had asthmatic symptoms. Their positive rate was in order of flour mite (89.6%), house dust mite (85.1%), ragweed (47.8%) and mugwort (35.8%). Conclusion: Our study shows that house dust mite and flour mite are the most common allergens in Nanjing area.
Journal of Nanjing Military Medical College
allergen vaccines
skin prick testing
mites,flour/house dust