

James Legge's Translation of Chinese Classics from the Perspective of a New-Found Manuscript:Decoding the Manuscript and Concordance to the Nine classics
摘要 理雅各因翻译了中国四书五经而成为中国翻译史上最重要的人物,目前已有对理雅各翻译的研究都侧重于个案研究。近年来新发现的理雅各用稿本《九经索引》,在理雅各藏书中未被研究者所用。通过解读此稿本,本研究发现《九经索引》是理雅各翻译中国经典的起点,此外,理雅各在《中国经典》的附录"汉字与短语索引"标题下注明以此编写一部关于中国经学的汉英词典。通过解析《九经索引》与《中国经典》每一卷最后的附录"汉字与短语索引",剖析了从《九经索引》到"汉字与短语索引"的过程,"汉字与短语索引"的功能作用,在坚实的基础上重构了理雅各翻译中国经典的总体过程和方法。 James Legge is renowned for his translation of the Chinese Classics into English in the translation history. Sofar, the researches on his translation of the Chinese Classics were limited to case studies. The Manuscript and Concordanceto the Nine Classics from The James Legge Collection New York Public Library, throws new light on Legge's translation.This paper decodes the manuscript and finds it's the preoperational document for Legge's translation. The paper then ex-plores the Index of Chinese Characters and Phrases in Legge's published The Chinese Classics, traces how it evolved fromthe manuscript to this bilingual index, and the multi-functions designed and used by James Legge. Based on such solid evi-dences, the paper further reconstruct an overall view on James Legge translation procedure and method.
作者 杨慧玲
出处 《北京行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期122-128,共7页 Journal of Beijing administration institute
基金 2013年度教育部新世纪人才支持计划项目(NCET-13-0678) 北京外国语大学中国文化走出去协同创新中心支持项目
关键词 理雅各 《中国经典》 《九经索引》 “汉字与短语索引” James Legge the Chinese classics manuscript and concordance to the Nine Classics index of Chinese characters and phrases
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