This paper takes the Hong Kong Special Administration Region(HKSAR)as a typical case to explore how cooperation among government,civil society,and the business sector can create a favorable institutional environm ent for the sustainable growth of social en terp rises.H K SA R’sgovern m ent,civil so ciety,and business sector have adoptedcooperativestrategies to advance the developm ent of social enterprises,including:providing seed funds to new social enterprises,market promotion,public education,operation support and training courses for social enterprises,as well as leading the social en terprise industry as a whole.These multiple com bined strategies have effectivelyhave m ade social enterprises more leg itim ate,built an opened and connected resources platform for social in n o v atio n,provided integrated solutions for social enterprises to en h an ce business operation capability,and eventually created fertile institutional“so il”for the thriving growth of social en terp rises.T his p ap er argues thatw e should not separate and overem phasize the ind ep en d en t im pact of som e contextual facto rs,but instead thoroughly probe the relations am ong cross-sector actors and their integrated effect on social en terp rises.M ainland China can learn m eaningful lessons from HKSAR’s G-C-B cooperation m odel to b etter prom ote its own developm ent of social enterprises.
Wenen Luo;Ying Huang
Journal of Public Administration