

Measurement and Calibration of Absorbed Dose for Photon and Electron Beams in Trilogy Linear Accelerator
摘要 目的对医院新引进的瓦里安Trilogy直线加速器按照国际原子能机构(IAEA)TRS277号报告进行光子束和电子束吸收剂量的测量和标定,将吸收剂量在参考条件下标定为1 MU=1 c Gy,确保输出剂量准确,以便后期的投入临床使用。方法采用德国PTW公司的UNDOS E型静电计和TW30013 0.6cc指形电离室和普通三维水箱现场测量Trilogy直线加速器光子束和电子束的吸收剂量,然后通过调节加速器上剂量监测系统的电位器,使得机器输出1 MU=1 c Gy。结果经过测量和标定后,测得光子束和电子束的吸收剂量结果误差<1%。结论经过对Trilogy直线加速器光子束和电子束吸收剂量的测量和标定后,其输出剂量符合国家要求。 Objective To measure and calibrate the photon beam and electron beam absorbed dose according to IAEA TRS277 report for the newly introduced Varian Trilogy linear accelerator in our hospital.The absorbed dose is set as 1 MU=1 cGy in the reference condition to ensure accurate output dose for later clinical use.Methods The absorbed doses of the photon and electron beams of the Trilogy linear accelerator were measured in situ using the UNDOS E-type electrometer from PTW,Germany,and the TW30013 0.6cc finger ionization chamber and the ordinary three-dimensional water tank.The potentiometers of the dose monitoring system on the accelerator were then adjusted.Makes the machine output 1 MU=1 cGy.Results After measurement and calibration,the measured dose errors of the photon beam and electron beam were less than<1%.Conclusion After measuring and calibrating the absorbed dose of photon beam and electron beam of Trilogy linear accelerator,the output dose meets the national requirements.
作者 曾华驱 温尊北 陈宗友 林启富 梁柱 汤树奎 Zeng Huaqu;Wen Zunbei;Chen Zongyou;Lin Qifu;Liang Zhu;Tang Shukui(Radiotherapy Center,Gaozhou City People's Hospital,Gaozhou Guangdong 525200,China)
出处 《医疗装备》 2018年第15期30-33,共4页 Medical Equipment
关键词 Trilogy直线加速器 光子束 电子束 吸收剂量 Trilogy linear accelerator Photon beam Electron beam Absorbed dose
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