
配煤掺烧方式主要特点及燃煤适应性分析 被引量:21

Main Characteristics of Coal Blending Method and Adaptability Analysis for Blended Coal
摘要 为了提高发电企业配煤掺烧的安全性和经济性,通过大量的实验室模拟和现场运行实例研究,全面分析了火电厂常用的间断性掺烧、预混掺烧及分磨掺烧方式的特点,同时结合锅炉设计、运行特点及混煤燃烧特点,研究了掺烧方式与混煤燃烧性能的相互影响,最终从燃烧性能方面提出了入炉煤及掺烧煤种的煤质要求,同时根据掺烧煤种燃烧性能推荐了合适的掺烧方式并提出运行过程中的注意事项,并结合实例给出了不同掺烧方式容易发生的问题及解决方案。研究结果可为配煤掺烧及锅炉运行参数优化提供参考。 In order to improve the safety and economy of coal blending in power plants,this paper fully analyzes the characteristics of intermittent blending,premixed blending and mixed combustion which have been commonly used in thermal power plants through a large number of laboratory and field test results.Also the interactions between blending method and blended coal combustion performance are analyzed comprehensively in combination with boiler design,operational features and combustion characteristics of blended-coals.Finally the paper puts forward the coal quality requirements of furnace coal and blended coals from the aspect of combustion performance.At the same time,according to the combustion performance of different blended-coals,the appropriate mixing combustion mode is recommended and precautions during the operation process are proposed.Moreover,the problems which are more likely to occur and corresponding solutions under different blending modes are given with real examples.The research results can provide references for coal blending and boiler operation parameter optimization.
作者 姚伟 郝兵 刘家利 方顺利 张喜来 王志超 YAO Wei;HAO Bing;LIU Jiali;FANG Shunli;ZHANG Xilai;WANG Zhichao(Xi'an Thermal Power Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Xi'an 710054,China;Huaneng Xinjiang Luntai Thermoelectric Branch,Luntai 841600,China)
出处 《中国电力》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第9期20-27,共8页 Electric Power
基金 山西省科技重大专项资助项目(MD2015-03)~~
关键词 火电厂 配煤掺烧 掺烧要求 掺烧方式 安全掺烧 经济掺烧 thermal power plant coal blending blending requirements blending mode safety blending economic blending
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