
一种多通道高隔离度毫米波发射组件的设计 被引量:5

Design of Multi-Channel Millimeter Wave Transmitter Module with High Isolation
摘要 随着雷达技术的发展,毫米波单片集成电路技术日趋成熟,小型化、轻量化、多功能的毫米波雷达在国内外得到了深入的研究和应用。为满足毫米波雷达的需求,设计了一种多通道高隔离度毫米波发射组件。采用普通FR4多层板实现电源和控制信号走线,其中功分器芯片、电容、电阻等器件装配在FR4多层板的表层;采用低损耗的Rogers 5880微波板材进行毫米波射频传输。为提高通道间和级联功放间的隔离度,进行金属隔墙处理,以获得更好的物理隔离。通过对腔体进行电磁仿真,使腔体的谐振频率高于工作频带。该组件质量仅为41 g,输出功率不低于35.5 dBm,发射效率大于16%,可应用于毫米波SAR和固态发射机等场景。 With the development of radar technology,millimeter wave MMICs are becoming more and more mature.Miniaturized,lightweight and multifunctional millimeter wave radar has been deeply studied and applied at home and abroad.To meet the needs of millimeter wave radar,this paper proposes a multi-channel millimeter wave transmitter module with high isolation between channels.For reducing its cost,one multi-layer FR4 board is used to realize the routing of DC and control signals.Power divider MMICs,capacitors and resistors are sealed on the top metal layer of FR4.Furthermore,a Rogers 5880 board which implements the millimeter wave transmission can obtain low insertion loss.In order to get high isolation between channels and series amplifiers,some metal iris walls are introduced to acquire better physical isolation.Electro-magnetic simulation of the cavity is demonstrated to push the resonant frequencies away from work frequency.Finally,the millimeter wave transmitter module is presented with an extremely lightweight of only 41 g by this technology.Its output power is greater than 35.5 dBm and the efficiency is higher than 16%.The transmitter module can be used in millimeter SAR,millimeter wave solid-state transmitter and other scenarios.
作者 沈玮 张理正 秦琨 李振海 陈桂莲 SHEN Wei;ZHANG Lizheng;QIN Kun;LI Zhenhai;CHEN Guilian(Shanghai Aerospace Electronic Technology Institute,Shanghai 201109,China)
出处 《上海航天》 CSCD 2018年第6期117-121,共5页 Aerospace Shanghai
关键词 高隔离 毫米波 多通道 发射组件 轻量化 high isolation millimeter wave multi-channel transmitter module light weight
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