Web2.0环境下,在线学术交流与开放获取活动日益频繁,采用传统引文指标已无法全面评价学术期刊影响力,引入Altmetrics指标可为学术期刊影响力评价的指标遴选、模型优化提供借鉴,也为改善学术期刊影响力评价现状提供新思路。文章以国际图书情报学期刊为例,结合8个JCR的传统引文指标并引入12个Altmetrics指标,构建基于传统引文指标和Altmetrics指标的学术期刊影响力综合评价模型,从期刊的学术影响力、社会影响力两个维度构建了期刊评价指标体系。通过因子分析、主成分分析及相关性分析分别对期刊的学术影响力、社会影响力进行评价,得到学术期刊影响力二维评价结果。结果显示:引入Altmetrics指标所构建的学术期刊影响力评价模型具有一定实践价值;基于JCR的8个传统引文指标间呈现较强正相关;基于Altmetrics Explorer的12个Altmetrics指标间大部分呈现较强正相关;基于引文指标的期刊学术影响力评价得分与Altmetrics指标的期刊社会影响力评价得分间也存在较强正相关,后者对前者有较好的补充作用,且Altmetrics指标分值对被引分值高低也有一定预见性。
Online scientific communication and open access are becoming more frequent under the Web2.0 environment.Traditional citation indicators have been impossible to fully evaluate the influence of academic journals.Introducing Altmetrics indicators can provide reference for selection of evaluation indicators of influence and model optimization of academic periodicals,as well as provide new ideas for improving the current status of evaluation of academic journals'influence.This article takes International Journals of Library and Information Science as an example,then combines 8 traditional citation indicators and introduces 12 Altmetrics indicators to construct a comprehensive evaluation model of academic journals' influence based on traditional citation indicators and Altmetrics indicators.In addition,this paper systematically constructs periodicals' evaluation index system which is from two dimensions:the academic influence and social influence.Finally,by means of factor analysis,principal component analysis and correlation analysis,the primary influence and social influence of academic periodicals are evaluated,and the results of two-dimensional evaluation of academic journals' influence are obtained.Firstly,the evaluation model of academic journals' influence constructed by introducing Altmetrics indicator has certain practical value.Secondly,there is strong positive correlation between the8traditional citation indicators based on JCR.Thirdly,most of the 12 Altmetrics indicators are strongly positive correlated based on the Altmetrics Explorer.Finally,there is a strong positive correlation on the score of academic journals' influence evaluation between native citation indicators and social Altmetrics indicators.Meanwhile,the latter has a better complement to the former,and the Altmetrics indicators score also has certain foresight to the citation score.
Library & Information