
绝缘子气密性焊接技术研究 被引量:3

Research on Air Tightness Soldering Process of Insulator Assembly
摘要 利用共晶炉对绝缘子气密性焊接技术进行工艺研究。研究发现,焊接过程抽真空能够有效降低焊点空洞率,但完全在真空下焊接加热效率低,焊接时间长,焊接结果较差。同时,焊料熔融状态下加热时间对焊接结果影响明显,时间较短时,焊料填充不足,空洞率较高,时间较长时,焊料溢出,易造成短路及空洞率增高。通过研究得到绝缘子优选焊接工艺条件:N2氛围加热,焊料熔化后抽真空焊接,熔点以上焊接时间40 s,焊接试样满足GJB548B气密性要求。 The technology of tightness soldering process of insulator assembly was researched by eutectic furnace. The results showed that the void ratio of solder joints was effectively reduced under vacuum condition, but the heating efficiency was low, the soldering time was long, and the soldering results were poor under vacuum condition. At the same time, the heating time above solder melting point had obvious influence on the soldering result. The time was short, the filling of the solder was insufficient, the void rate was high, and the time was long, the solder spilled over, which is easy to cause short circuit and increase the void rate. The optimum soldering process conditions of insulator are obtained: heating in N2 atmosphere, then soldering was done under vacuum condition after solder melting, soldering time above melting point was 40 s. The soldered sample met the requirements of air tightness of GJB548 B.
作者 张飞 陈帅 赵志平 谭小鹏 ZHANG Fei;CHEN Shuai;ZHAO Zhiping;TAN Xiaopeng(The 20th Research institute of CETC, Xi’an 710071, China)
出处 《电子工艺技术》 2018年第6期349-351,共3页 Electronics Process Technology
关键词 绝缘子 气密性焊接 Sn3.5Ag insulator air tightness soldering Sn3.5Ag
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