
非洲猪瘟的扩散风险点及防控对策 被引量:35

Risk Points and Control Measures against African Swine Fever
摘要 为有效防控非洲猪瘟疫情,降低非洲猪瘟的扩散风险,本文结合非洲猪瘟流行现状及部分国际已发疫情,对非洲猪瘟扩散风险点进行简要分析。分析认为:养殖环节风险点主要是养殖场(户)生物安全水平低及饲喂餐厨剩余物(泔水);流通环节风险点主要存在于生猪及猪肉产品长距离调运、猪肉及其产品销售;屠宰环节关键风险点是私屠滥宰。因此,应严禁泔水及猪源性蛋白饲料产品饲喂生猪,加强生猪养殖场(户)生物安全措施,完善活畜禽长途调运监管,强化生猪屠宰企业管理等。 In order to effectively prevent and control African swine fever(ASF)and reduce the risk of disease spread,here,in consideration of the prevalence status and history of ASF outbreaks in the world,a brief analysis on the risk points of the disease was made.Results showed that low levels of bio-safety and feeding swill were risk points in animal production link;long-distance transportation of live pigs and meat products,and the sales of pork and related products were risk points in circulation link,and unauthorized slaughtering was a key risk point in slaughtering link.Responding to these risk points,swill and swine-origin protein feeds should be strictly forbidden,bio-security measures for pig farming should be strengthened,regulations on long-distance transportation of live stock and poultry should be improved and the supervision over the pig slaughter enterprises should be intensified.
作者 刘梅芬 刘影 王翠 赵雪丽 谢彩华 闫若潜 Liu Meifen;Liu Ying;Wang Cui;Zhao Xueli;Xie Caihua;Yan Ruoqian(Henan Animal Disease Control and Prevention Centre,Zhengzhou,Henan 450008,China)
出处 《中国动物检疫》 CAS 2019年第2期47-49,共3页 China Animal Health Inspection
关键词 非洲猪瘟 扩散风险点 防控对策 African swine fever risk point prevention and control measures
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