
鸡腿菇热风干燥工艺参数优化 被引量:4

Optimization of Hot-air Drying Technology for Coprinus Comatus
摘要 为了提高鸡腿菇热风干燥速率及热风干燥后产品品质,对新鲜鸡腿菇进行了热风干燥实验,研究干燥过程中热风温度X1、热风风速X2和切片厚度X3对鸡腿菇干燥速率Y1、复水比Y2和干燥产品色差Y3的影响。采用综合评分法,结合响应面分析,对多指标进行综合优化,建立指标综合值与各因子之间的回归模型,求出最佳工艺参数组合。实验结果表明:鸡腿菇热风干燥过程中各因素对鸡腿菇干燥速率及干燥后产品质量都有显著影响(P <0. 05);在热风温度55℃、热风风速1. 35m/s、切片厚度4mm的最佳工艺参数组合下进行热风干燥,鸡腿菇热风干燥速率Y1=0. 301 g/min,干燥后产品复水比Y2=3. 61,色差Y3=21. 95,综合干燥效果达到最佳,与指标综合值模型预测值相对误差低于5%。本研究可为鸡腿菇热风干燥工业化生产提供参考。 Hot-air drying experiments of Coprinus comatus have been conducted,using the Box-Behnken design protocol,to study the effects of hot-air temperature X1,hot-air velocity X2 and slice thickness X3 and interaction of these factors on drying rate Y1,rehydration ratio Y2 and color difference Y3 of dried products,in order to increase the hot-air drying rate of coprinus comatus and improve the product quality of Coprinus comatus after hot air drying.The regression equation between single index and each factor was established,and the optimal solution of single-objective regression equation was obtained.And then he comprehensive score method and the response surface analysis were used to optimize the multi-index,and the regression model between the comprehensive value of index and each factor was established to find the optimal combination of process parameters.The results showed that,during hot-air drying process,the hot-air drying rate of coprinus comatus and the quality of dried products were significantly affected by each factor(P﹤0.05).The temperature of hot air was 55℃,the rate of hot air 1.35m/s and the slice thickness 4mm,were the optimized parameters of hot-air drying for coprinus comatus with the best drying effect.And dying rate(Y1)was 0.301g/min,the rehydration ratio of dried product(Y2)3.61,the color difference(Y3)21.95,the relative error of prediction of model is less than 5%.Comprehensive optimization of coprinus comatus drying process parameters take both drying rate and dry product quality into account.Under the drying conditions,not only the dried product of coprinus comatus has good quality,but also the drying process have a high drying rate and short drying time.The research can provide a reference for the industrial production of Coprinus comatus hot-air drying.
作者 李国鹏 谢焕雄 王嘉麟 颜建春 魏海 陈智锴 Li Guopeng;Xie Huanxiong;Wang Jialin;Yan Jianchun;Wei Hai;Chen Zhikai(Nanjing Research Institute of Agricultural Mechanization,Ministry of Agriculture,Nanjing 210014,China;Nanjing Institute of Technology,Nanjing 211167,China)
出处 《农机化研究》 北大核心 2019年第7期233-241,共9页 Journal of Agricultural Mechanization Research
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFD0400905) 中国农业科学院科技创新工程农产品分级与贮藏装备团队项目(2018)
关键词 热风干燥 综合评分法 响应面分析 最佳工艺参数组合 鸡腿菇 hot-air drying comprehensive score method response surface analysis the optimal process parameters coprinus comatus
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