
公共图书馆智库服务及其质量要素启示 被引量:2

Enlightenment of Public Library Think Tank Service and Its Quality Factors
摘要 随着我国特色新型智库的兴起,公共图书馆智库服务备受关注,成为图书情报领域的研究热点。从国内公共图书馆智库服务研究水平看,策略性宏观研究成果丰富,实践性微观研究却有不足。因此,为了解公共图书馆智库服务的实践机理,文章归纳出我国公共图书馆智库服务的三种模式,总结智库服务的相关质量要素,评析服务模式不同情况的优劣水平。结合公共图书馆智库服务模式优劣水平和质量要素,从智库意识、资源应用、信息能力、独立属性和公益属性进行探索,探寻实践性启示。 With the rise of new think tanks in Chinese characteristics, public library think tank services have attracted much attention and become a research hotspot in the field of library and information science. Judging from the research level of domestic public library think tank service, strategic macro research results are rich, but practical micro-researches are inadequate. Therefore, in order to understand the practical mechanism of public library think tank services, the paper summarizes three models of public library think tank services in China, sums up their relevant quality factors, and evaluates pros and cons of different service models. At last, combining with different levels and quality factors of public library think tank service models, the paper explores on think tank awareness, resource application, information capability, independent attributes, and public welfare attributes, so as to provide a practical inspiration.
作者 程煜 徐路 汪征 吴迎春 Cheng Yu;Xu Lu;Wang Zheng;Wu Ying-chun
出处 《图书馆理论与实践》 CSSCI 2019年第1期65-69,共5页 Library Theory and Practice
基金 2017年度教育部社科重大攻关项目"推动智库建设健康发展研究"(项目编号:17JZD009)的研究成果之一
关键词 公共图书馆 智库服务 质量要素 Public Library Think Tank Service Quality Factors
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