The birth of the Bijie Pilot Zone ( BPA) is based on the history of underdevelopment in Guizhou. When Hu Jiaotao was still party secretary of Guizhou, he focused on achieving sustainable and scientific development after changing the poverty and backwardness of Bijie Zone in order to explore new ways and experience to overcome poverty poverty- stricken Zones, especially in the karst region. The participation of the united front in BPA is not only an objective requirement for economic and social development in Bijie, which has trained a large number of far-sighted democrats ,but also the need for the Communist Party of China ( CPA) to demonstrate its unique role in the new historical period which is the leadership of multi-party cooperation undertaking. The thoughts and actions of the Central Committee of CPPD and Guizhou Provincial Committee of CAPD in Jinsha County, Bijie city have tested people * s selfconscious political awareness of CAPD in the united front. Meanwhile, as the construction of CAPD itself grows matures gradually, the superiority of the multi-party cooperation system with Chinese characteristics has fully embodied. The achievements of BPA for 30 years have poured into the true feelings of the people of CPPD, leaving their deep footprints, showing their "Family-County" patriotism, and truly recording their great pioneering initiative of thoughts.
Journal of Guizhou Institute of Socialism
Bijie Pilot Zone
united front
people from China Association for Promoting Democracy
multi-party cooperation system