
师德的伦理意蕴与师德养成的认识 被引量:16

The Ethical Implication of Teachers' Morals and the Cognition of Teachers' Moral Cultivation
摘要 教师的素质关乎教育的成败,师德的伦理意蕴不仅通过负有神圣职责的教师职业彰显出来,还体现在对学生智力和心理发展的影响上。它是大学"教育场域"里教师"生存心态"的再现,更是构成大学文化的重要组成部分。师德养成是在外在价值的引领下,由内向外的自发、自觉、自主的形成过程,而非由外向内的灌输过程,即"内化于心"和"外化于行"的统一。爱是师德内化的基础,对教师职业道德规范的认同与敬畏是师德内化的前提,承担义务和履行责任是实现师德内化的关键。 The quality of teachers is related to the success of education. The ethical implication of teachers’ morals is not only manifested through the sacred duties teachers perform, but is also reflected in teachers’ influence on student’s intellectual and mental development. It is the representation of the "survival mentality" of teachers in the "educational field" of the university, and is an important part of university culture. Guided by the external value, the cultivation of teachers’ morals is the inside-out process of spontaneous, self-conscious and autonomous formation, rather than the process of indoctrination from the outside. Namely, it is the unity of "internalization" and "externalization". To love students is the foundation of teachers’ morality. The recognition and reverence towards the code of professional ethics is the premise of teachers’ morality. To fulfill the obligation and perform the responsibility is the key to the realization of teachers’ morality.
作者 张蕖 Zhang Qu
出处 《江苏高教》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期64-68,共5页 Jiangsu Higher Education
基金 浙江省高校人文社科研究基地(教师教育研究)重点招标课题"教师教育学理论体系构建及其实践"(ZC322012005)
关键词 师德 伦理意蕴 师德养成 teachers’ ethics ethical implication cultivation of teachers’ ethics
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