

The Gaze From the Real:Hal Foster’s Elaboration on Traumatic Art
摘要 在美国20世纪末,被称为"十月学派"的批评家们,如罗莎琳·克劳斯、克雷格·欧文斯、哈尔·福斯特等,常常从解构或女权主义方面去理解当时的一些激进艺术。这种批评方式在1980年代初意义重大,但没过几年就普及泛滥了,不再有什么实质意义。到1990年代初,福斯特转向了拉康精神分析理论中的视觉理论,以便理解之前的许多创新艺术模型,如卑贱艺术、无形式艺术等等。在《实在的回归》一文中,他将风格迥异的许多艺术家如安迪·沃霍尔、辛迪·舍曼、罗伯特·戈伯等人的创作,都理解成以不同方式去表现创伤和对抗实在界的事业。 In 1980s,critics of the so-called“October School”in the United States,such as Rosalind Krauss,Craig Owens,and Hal Foster tended to read some radical art of the time in terms of either deconstruction or feminism,or both.This kind of criticism was of great significance in the early 1980s,but within a few years it became so widespread in the art world that it no longer had the substantive meaning.In the early 1990s,Foster turned to vision theories in Lacanian psychoanalysis to understand many creative art modes,such as abject art,formless art and so on.In his thesis“The Return of the Real”(1995),he interpreted the artworks of different artists like Andy Warhol,Cindy Sherman,Robert Gober altogether as the course of dealing with the trauma and the Real in different ways.
作者 杨娟娟 YANG Juanjuan(School of Philosophy,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China)
出处 《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期54-63,共10页 Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition
基金 2019年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"哈尔.福斯特的后现代艺术批评研究"(项目编号:19YJC760138)
关键词 哈尔·福斯特 拉康 实在 目光/凝视 辛迪·舍曼 创伤 Hal Foster Lacan the Real gaze Cindy Sherman trauma
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  • 1Lacan, Jacques, Les non-dupes errent, Legon du 9 avril 1974, in6dit.
  • 2Lacan, Jacques, Les non-dupes errent, Lemon du 9 avril 1974, in6dit.
  • 3Lacan, Jacques, Les quatre concepts fondamentaux de la psychanalyse, Paris, Seuil, 1973, p. 35.
  • 4) Lacan, Jacques, Le transfert, Paris, Seuil, 1991, p. 203.
  • 5Winnicott, D.W. , "Objets transitionnels et ph6nomnes transitionnels", De la pddiatrie dt la psychanalyse, Paris, Payot, 1969, pp. 174-183.
  • 6Lacan, Jacques, Confdrence a Londres du 2 fdvrier 1975, Revista Argentina de Psicologta, pp. 137 - 141.
  • 7Lacan, Jacques, Le dsir et son interprgtation, Leqon du 13 mai 1959, in6dit.
  • 8Lacan, Jacques, L'angoisse, Paris, Seuil, 2004, p. 120.
  • 9Lacan, Jacques, L'objet de la psychanalyse, Leqon du 27 avril 1966, in6dit.
  • 10Lacan, Jacques, Les noms du Pre, Legon du 20 novembre 1963, in6dit.








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