The study reviews the process of oxidative desulphurization of high-sulphur Ukrainian lignite, which was performed by coal treatment using an air or air-steam mixture. In the process. sulphur-free fuel and tar from the decomposition of coal organic matter was obtained. Hence, the sulphur in the coal was converted inlo hydrogen sulphide. The coal desulphurization process is critical to power generatio n. power generation and technology, and tech no logy field of application. The coal desulphurization process ensures the maximum recovery of the highest content of sulphur and hydrogen sulphide (H2S) in desulphurized gases at minimal energy costs. The process also enhances the maximum decomposition of tar and sulphur recovery (> 50%) during coal power generation. Based on smnniarized field studies, a block schematic diagram coupled with heat and material balances of the process was developed for the calculations. The application of the tech no logy at the first stage of coal combustion in thermal power plants will en able the utilizatio n of over 50% of recovered coal sulphur in the form of concentrated H2S or commercial elemental sulphur. This will, nevertheless, allow for a reduction of sulphur oxide pollution in the environment by at least 53%-56%. It has been suggested that the product of thermal decomposition of coal organic matter (tar) can be used as a componenl of fumace fuel oil or as a plasticizer of petroleum-based road bitumen.