
球形石墨空腔电离室壁修正因子模拟计算 被引量:4

Monte-Carlo Simulation about Wall Correction Factor for the Spherical Graphite Cavity Chamber
摘要 采用蒙特卡罗方法对球形石墨空腔电离室壁修正因子K_(wall)进行模拟计算,开展光子能量、壁厚、石墨密度对K_(wall)的影响研究。计算结果显示对同一体积空腔电离室,K_(wall)随着能量的变化而发生变化,在低能区域K_(wall)值急剧减小; K_(wall)随壁厚增加近线性增加;同时,在模拟计算不确定度大于0. 2%时,石墨材料的密度对于K_(wall)的影响可以忽略。这些结果表明,对于石墨空腔电离室壁修正因子高精度的计算,需要考虑光子能量、壁厚以及石墨密度的影响。 Calculate the wall correction factor Kwall of spherical graphite cavity chambers by MC( Monte Carlo)method,and study the influence of Kwall about photon energy,wall thickness and graphite density. And the result shows that for the same volume chambers Kwall sharply reduces with energy at the low energy side. As the wall thickness increases,Kwall approximates linearly increase. And when the calculation accuracy is greater than 0. 2 %,the effect of density can be neglected on the simulation of Kwall . The above results indicate that in order to calculate the wall correction factor of the graphite cavity chamber accurartely,photon energy,wall thickness and graphite density must be considered.
作者 郝艳梅 黄建微 李德红 王晨毅 吴琦 HAO Yan-mei;HUANG Jian-wei;LI De-hong;WANG Chen-yi;WU Qi(National Institute of Metrology, Beijing 100029, China;The University of South China, Hengyang, Hunan 421001, China)
出处 《计量学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期522-525,共4页 Acta Metrologica Sinica
基金 国家重点研发计划重点专项(2017YFF0206304)
关键词 计量学 石墨空腔电离室 壁修正因子 蒙特卡罗模拟 metrology graphite cavity chamber wall correction factor Monte-Carlo simulation
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