
海南自由贸易港拟建国际商事法庭应重点聚焦国际化改革 被引量:6

Study on the Necessity for the Reform of Internationalization Concerning the Establishment of International Commercial Court in Hainan’s Free Trade Port
摘要 实现调解、仲裁与诉讼三位一体的“融合化”,进而打造“一站式、多元化争端解决平台”,并非是实现中国国际商事法庭成功目标的终极捷径。不容否认,国际商事法庭的“融合化”是其有别于普通法庭的特色之一,但无论是“诉调对接”还是“诉仲对接”,它们仍还是流于表象层面的改革。弃表存真,能否赢得更多外国当事人的信任,更取决于法庭的实质性改革,即在管辖权、审理程序以及判决的承认与执行等方面实现全方位的国际化。细予考察,域外成功的国际商事法庭多与自由贸易港息息相关。原因在于,其享有“境内关外”的特有法律地位,可将“司法主权让渡”的国际化理念发挥得淋漓尽致。这对于探寻在海南自由贸易港拟建国际商事法庭的新理念,无疑具有非凡的启示。 Realizing the "integration" of mediation, arbitration and litigation and creating a "one-stop and diversified dispute settlement platform" is not a shortcut to realize the goal of China International Commercial Court. Indeed, integration is one of the distinguishing features of the international commercial court. However, they are still superficial reforms no matter they are docking litigation and mediation or docking litigation and arbitration. Whether abandoning the form and keeping the truth can win the trust of more foreign parties depends more on the substantive reform of the court, which is to realize all-round internationalization in the aspects of jurisdiction, trial procedure, recognition and execution of judgment and so on.A closer inspection shows that successful international commercial courts outside the region are closely related to free trade ports. Due to the legal status of the free trade port "inside the national territory but outside custom territory", the international concept under the "transfer of judicial sovereignty" can be fully implemented. This is of great significance to explore the new concept of building an International Commercial Court in Hainan Free Trade Port.
作者 王淑敏 李忠操 Wang Shu-min;Li Zhong-cao(Law School,Dalian Maritime University,Dalian,Liaoning 116026)
出处 《政法论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期133-147,共15页 Journal of Political Science and Law
基金 2018年研究阐释党的十九大精神国家社科基金专项立项课题“建设中国自由贸易港的法律保障与政策推进研究”(18VSJ076)的阶段性成果
关键词 海南自由贸易港 国际商事法庭 “融合化” 国际化 free trade port international commercial court integration internationalization
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