
科技创新型城市科技成果转移转化政策比较研究——基于深圳、宁波政策文本量化分析 被引量:25

Comparative Research on Policies of Sci-tech Achievements Transfer and Transformation in Tech-innovative City: Based on Quantitative Analysis of Policy Texts of Shenzhen and Ningbo
摘要 运用内容分析法对科技创新型城市深圳市与宁波市的科技成果转移转化政策文本进行量化对比分析。研究发现,政策可操作化程度以及最新颁布的政策与中央政策衔接度,深圳市均高于宁波市;两市政策目标与区域发展定位紧密相关;政策工具均以自愿型为主,但二者存在显著差别;宁波市政策实施政府介入细致,部门责任呈现分散化。最后,为地方政府完善科技成果转移转化政策提出相应政策建议。 This study takes the tech -innovative cities of Shenzhen and Ningbo as comparative research objects. By using the method of content analysis to compare the policies texts of sci - tech achievements transfer and transformation policies in these two cities. The study found that the sci - tech achievements transfer and transformation policies of Shenzhen are better in terms of operationalization and cohesion with the central government when compared with Ningbo. The policies goals are closely related to regional positioning. Policy tools are mainly voluntary, while significant differences exist between them. In terms of policy implementation, the government of Ningbo is involved and the departmental responsibility is dispersed. Finally, suggestions for local governments to improve policies are put forward.
作者 李进华 耿旭 陈筱淇 郑维东 Li Jinhua;Geng Xu;Chen Xiaoqi;Zheng Weidong(School of Management,Shenzhen University,Shenzhen 518060,China;Center for Social Development and Public Policy,Shenzhen University,Shenzhen 518060,China)
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第12期29-37,共9页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目“质量驱动的公共服务标准化研究:理论建构、机制设计与应用策略”(71704112) 深圳大学研究生创新发展基金项目“深圳市行政审批制度改革路径研究”(PIDFP-RW2017017)
关键词 科技创新型城市 科技成果转移转化政策 比较研究 深圳 宁波 tech - innovative city policies of sci - tech achievements transfer and transformation comparative research Shenzhen Ningbo
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