
聚碳硅烷粉尘爆炸特性研究 被引量:3

Study on Explosive Characteristics of Polycarbosilane Dust
摘要 聚碳硅烷是应用于航天、航空等尖端技术中的高性能新型材料之一,对于聚碳硅烷粉尘的火灾爆炸特性还未有相关研究报告。按照相应国家测试标准,采用20 L球形粉尘爆炸测试实验系统,测定得出聚碳硅烷粉尘最大爆炸压力为0.872 MPa,最大爆炸压力上升速率为120 MPa/s,最大爆炸指数为32.57 MPa·m/s。与《工贸行业重点可燃性粉尘目录》(2015版)中明确有最大爆炸压力、最大爆炸指数的44种粉尘相比,聚碳硅烷粉尘最大爆炸压力不算大,但最大爆炸指数较大,说明聚碳硅烷粉尘爆炸时爆炸压力不算太大,但爆炸时却非常猛烈。 Polycarbosilane is one of the new high performance materials used in advanced technologies such as aerospace and aeronautics. The fire and explosive characteristics of polycarbosilane dust have not been reported. In this paper, according to the corresponding national test standards, a 20 L spherical dust explosion test experimental system was used to determine explosive characteristics of polycarbosilane dust. The results showed that the maximum explosion pressure of polycarbosilane dust was 0.872 MPa, the maximum explosion pressure rise rate was 120 MPa/s,and the maximum explosion index was 32.57 MPa·m/s. Compared with the 44 kinds of dust in the catalogue of key combustible dust in industry and trade(2015 edition), the maximum explosion pressure of polycarbosilane dust is not large, but the maximum explosion index is large, indicating that the explosion pressure of polycarbosilane dust is not too big, but the explosion is very violent.
作者 李燕勇 高舒珊 谭静怡 徐旭东 王凯 LI Yan-yong;GAO Shu-shan;TAN Jing-yi;XV Xv-dong;WANG Kai(Aerospace Research Institute of Materials&Processing Technology,Beijing 100076,China;Weapons Industry Health Research Institute,Shaanxi Xi’an 710065,China)
出处 《当代化工》 CAS 2019年第7期1510-1513,共4页 Contemporary Chemical Industry
关键词 聚碳硅烷粉尘 最大爆炸压力 最大爆炸压力上升速率 最大爆炸指数 安全性分析 Polycarbosilane dust Maximum explosion pressure Maximum explosion pressure rise rate Maximum explosion index Safety analysis
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