
ANAMMOX体系中氨与硫酸盐的同步转化条件 被引量:9

Simultaneous Conversion Conditions of Ammonia and Sulfate in ANAMMOX Systems
摘要 在CFSTR(continuous flow stirred tank reactor)反应器中接种混合污泥(ANAMMOX污泥与污水厂浓缩污泥按1∶1混合)研究NH4+与SO42-的同步转化,通过不断投加污泥令体系内ORP值稳定在(-200±50) mV,同步转化现象持续42 d,NH4+平均转化14. 81 mg·L^-1,SO4^2-平均转化8. 77 mg·L^-1.在批试实验中通过溶液是否充满玻璃瓶来控制体系内厌氧条件,不充满组NH4+与SO42-均降低,但两者的转化不同步;在完全充满组中NH4+不转化,SO4^2-浓度下降明显,实验后期检测到S2^-.分析认为同步转化现象产生的一般条件为NH4+和SO4^2-基质充足,接种浓度适量的混合污泥,体系漏氧且ORP检测值在-150^-300 mV范围内.同时认为本文及相关研究中所使用的实验条件均不能证明NH4+与SO4^2-的同步转化是两者相互转化的结果,相反实验条件更利于NH4^+与SO4^2-各自独立转化. A continuous flow stirred tank reactor ( CFSTR) was used to inoculate mixed sludge ( with an ANAMMOX sludge to sewage concentrate sludge ratio of 1: 1) to study the simultaneous conversion of NH4^+ and SO4^2-. The ORP value in the system was stabilized at (- 200 ± 50) mV by continuously adding sludge. The simultaneous conversion lasted for 42 days. The average conversion of NH +4 -N was 14. 81 mg·L^- 1 while that of sulfate-sulfur was 8. 77 mg·L ^- 1 . In the batch experiment,the anaerobic conditions were influenced by whether the solution was filled with glass bottles. Both NH4^+ and SO4^2 - in the non-filled group were reduced,but their transformation was not simultaneous. In the fully filled group,NH4^+ was not transformed,the concentration of SO4^2- decreased significantly,and S2 - was detected in the later stages of the experiment. It is indicated that the general conditions for the phenomenon of simultaneous conversion are:①sufficient NH +4 and SO4^2-,② inoculating mixed sludge with appropriate concentration,③ leaking oxygen,④ the detection value of ORP within the range of - 150 to - 300 mV. At the same time,the experimental conditions used in this paper and in other related literature cannot prove that the simultaneous conversion of NH4^+ and SO4^2- is the result of mutual transformation;on the contrary,observations are more conducive to the independent transformation of NH +4 and SO4^2-.
作者 董石语 毕贞 张文静 黄勇 DONG Shi-yu;BI Zhen;ZHANG Wen-jing;HUANG Yong(School of Environment Science and Engineering,Suzhou University of Science and Technology,Suzhou 215009,China;Institute of Environmental Biotechnology,Suzhou University of Science and Technology,Suzhou 215009,China)
出处 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第8期3691-3698,共8页 Environmental Science
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC0401108) 国家自然科学基金项目(51478284,51408387) 江苏省特色优势学科二期立项项目 江苏省水处理技术与材料协同创新中心项目 苏州科技学院科研基金项目(341410031) 苏州科技学院人才引进科研项目(331411202)
关键词 厌氧氨氧化(ANAMMOX) 硫酸盐与氨的同步去除(SRAS) 硫酸盐还原氨氧化(SRAO) 硫酸盐型厌氧氨氧化 氧化还原电位(ORP) anaerobic ammonium oxidation( ANAMMOX) simultaneous removal of ammonium and sulfate(SRAS) sulfate-reducing ammonia oxidation(SRAO) sulfate-dependent anaerobic ammonium oxidation Oxidation-Reduction Potential(ORP)
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